
Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Independence Day!

Hey, Friends!
I read on a blog a bit ago that one of the favorite July 4th things to do was watch and listen to the music from the Capitol on public TV.  I don’t seem to be able to track back to where I read it, but it did cause me to start singing to myself My Country ‘tis of the, Sweet land of Liberty, of thee I sing

As we celebrate our Independence, have you noticed in public gatherings, when we’re called upon to sing our country’s songs that the youth don’t seem engaged?  I’ve wondered SO many times, don’t they teach these wonderful songs to the kids in school any more?
Do you remember “music” in elementary school?  That’s where I was when the announcement was made that President John F. Kennedy had been shot.  When my DS was in ‘music’ they learned to play the Recorder, and he did go on to gain the love for music playing the Bass in jazz ensamble and singing in the high school Troubadors.  But just yesterday, during the baseball game on TV when a gentleman (TimothyMiller from the Atlanta Opera will perform God Bless America during the 7th inning stretch ** ) and I were singing to honor the country, he said, “I don’t think I’ve ever heard that song.”  That **link is from 2010. 
Rembmber that I'm doing some reorganization?  I was sorting through boxes of frames I’ve collected over the last couple of years when I came across a bag with an old Music book I’d picked up at one of the thrift shops I frequent.  Flipping through it, the pages that looked most dog eared were these  

-- Can you name this song?
So what do you say?  Let’s all tune in tonight and sing along with the tunes that we learned, to honor our country and   

Happy 4th of July, Friends! Enjoy your independence doing whatever makes YOU Happy today - be it fireworks, favorite music, or sitting with a cold glass under the cool fan stitching to your heart's content!


and Happy Stitching


  1. Wishing you and yours a spectacular 4th of July! It is sad, but true that many young people don't know these song. Love the pictures of your music book find!

    Robin in Virginia

  2. Hi Charlene. I hope you are enjoying today with perhaps some stitching. Happy 4th of July to you. I think patriotism will one day become rare. Makes you wonder doesn't it? It's funny as I was out today, catching the DMC sale at JoAnn's, I was sing, "Every heart beats for the red, white, and blue... LOL.
    Anywho, I am proud to be an American.
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts.


  3. Happy 4th of July! Now I'm signing America! Can't think of a better song to have stuck in my head.

  4. Hope you had a wonderful Fourth, Charlene. I'm finally getting caught up a bit on my blog reading.
    Like your new look!


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