
Sunday, March 3, 2013

March Snow

Hey, Friends!

An unusual season!  The last time I posted was on a snowy Saturday.  Our local weathermen were calling for possible, light snow flurries on Saturday.  The temperatures were not freezing, but yesterday we had enough snow to cover the ground and pine trees - a lovely sight to watch falling.  Then, as quickly as it came, it was gone!  This Sunday morning, it is 25`, but the sun is shining brightly!

Have any of you cross stitched from a punch needle pattern?  I’m guessing it probably depends on the pattern and the detailing involved, but would love to hear your opinions.

A little finish to share.  The Country Cottage Needleworks, Post Office.  Wait… no, not finished… forgot to do those little envelopes.  Shoot!  Back to finish those!  There will be stitching pics next time - promise!  But I did get a good beginning on the March WTNT Word Play yesterday during the snow show!  

DS has changed jobs and moved back to our hometown!  Although he has always been just a shout away, it’s comforting to know he’s a little closer.  He stopped in for a few minutes yesterday to chat about the snow after he took his Nan’s (my mom) trash away.
I‘ve had to turn off Anonymous comments.  They were causing more and more aggravating links to this or that, unsavory remarks, and who wants that?   

Thanks for stopping by, today and always.  I appreciate your thoughts and comments!

May 2013 be filled with Happy Stitching!



  1. Pretty snow pics! I'm glad you all are getting the snow for a change and not us. lol! Yay on your son being a bit closer to home now! That's so nice! Looking forward to seeing your stitching. I'm thinking about turning off some kind of commenting to get rid of all the spam. Not sure what though.

  2. It has been a crazy winter hasn't it? We were hoping for some snow but didn't even get a flurry. Oh well, I am ready for spring already. I am looking forward to seeing your little post office. I know it is comforting for you to have your son close by again. Have a great week!

  3. Glad the snowfall wasn't too heavy. Look forward to seeing your new Village finish.

  4. I know what you mean about commenting... I finally just changed to the Open ID settings. Seems to be working. Tho I occasionally get unsavory remarks on OLD posts. So what I do it get rid of them and close the post to further comments. Works every time! That is great news about your son! I feel better that all my kids are close. Yesterday, my oldest daughter and family were in Charleston, and they didn't mention snow! They were indoors all day, so maybe they didn't know... Hugs!

  5. That is great news to have your son in your town again.

  6. We must live close together since we had the same snow experience! Wasn't it lovely?

  7. Darn it... still no snow here! Oh well...maybe one day. Happy stitching and stay warm.... it sure is cold out!

  8. Lovely snow pic.
    Do hope it is over ow for us and will soon have spring sunshine as i haven't seen the days for days now.
    Happy week!

  9. Wow - didn't realize you all had snow your way yesterday. We're supposed to have a chance at some flurries Wed. But really, when the high is 43 and the low is 39? Can't be too much! All I know is I am so ready for spring, it's unbelievable! Can't wait to see your finish and I love the Wordplays. So glad your DS is back closer. :)

  10. I think you have more snow on the ground than we do, Charlene! What a weird winter... At least you had a good excuse to sit inside and stitch... Looking forward to seeing your March Word Play and the Post Office (those little envelopes blowing in the wind are the best part of the piece!)...

    I know you'll enjoy more frequent visits from your son--that is so great he is a bit closer now :)

  11. I've been thinking about trying a punch needle design. I've never done it and would like to start out with something very small to learn.
    Oh that's so funny about those envelopes. I'm sure you'll have it done in no time and I'm looking forward to seeing the pics.
    Glad your DS is closer now. That's always a good thing!

  12. Well, I wonder if what we have here now will last long enough to get up your way? We had an absolute drenching at around rush hour yesterday (I got home from work 4 minutes before the sky totally opened up) and then the sun came out, and brought gale force winds all night. Today, still windy, and there were flurries on my way in :( Remember this time last year? 80s & 90s? I could use some 80s... I can't wait to see your finished Post Office - I've been horribly behind on blog lattely...

  13. Nice snowy picture, we have had some slight coverings too this past week, but it doesn't stay around for long. Looking forward to seeing your finishes. Enjoy having your DS closer.


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