
Saturday, March 23, 2013

It's Spring

Hey, Friends!

But does it feel like spring in your town?  I'm still seeing snow around on many blogs. Fairly typical for inland South Carolina - cold nights (20s – 30s) mild (50s – 60s) days.  The first weekend of official spring has started with this Saturday about 35` and rain with a forecast of 50s.

I finished With Thy Needle and Thread’s April Word Play.  I had seen a Fuzzy Bunny Tail  description and decided to give this little guy something different, too. 

And speaking of using your repertoire of specialty stitches, did you see Tommye’s grass on this Easter piece?  Brilliant!   Mary Corbet had an article about surface embroidery that I think could be a sweet touch to some fun cross stitched pieces. 

Thanks for stopping by, today and always.  I appreciate your thoughts and comments!

May 2013 be filled with Happy Stitching!



  1. Charlene, a nice touch of spring stitching in otherwise Springless weather! Pure depressing. But it'll be 95+ before we know it! Love , love those surface embroidery kits. I started stitching with embroidery..crude rather than crewel! Haha. But I've always loved it.

  2. Such a sweet finish!! Reminds me that it's Spring even though it doesn't feel like it. I did see Tommye's grass and I thought that it looked wonderful.

  3. Your finish is so cute! I love the tail !! I also went and looked at the grass! A great different idea for sure!

  4. I love your finish -- so cute with the little tail! I do love the grass on Tommye's blog. I can't wait for spring...

  5. Sweet stitch. I am working on an Easter stitch myself. Lots of snow and ice left up here.

  6. well the daffodils have bloomed as well as the crocus .... then we have had 7 inch of snow dumped on us since last night and it looks like there might be more to follow !!!!
    well done on your lovely finish and think that brick stitch looks cool for hippity hop :) love mouse xxxxx

  7. Wonderful finish... I am happy for the rain to wash all of the pollen away! Not a big fan of "allergy" spring right now. Happy stitching...

  8. Beautiful finish, Charlene! I love all these little samplers but have yet to do one. I really like how you did his tail. Spring feels like it may never arrive in Michigan!

  9. Congrats on finishing the word play. I love that series. I keep thinking if I stitch Spring-y things it will convince Mother Nature to "straighten up". She doesn't appear to be listening. Take care!

  10. We were in Chicago that day and it was only 11 degrees when we got up. Brrrr! We were kind of happy to head on home.

  11. You finished your beautiful April sampler for spring. But yes its still cold:) And I'm in California. But we do have lots of sun. love Annette

  12. It sure doesn't feel like spring here - may even have sleet/freezing rain tomorrow morning. I love the fluffy bunny tail - so cute and adds so much dimension to the design.

  13. I just pulled the threads for this one myself, Charlene! Yours turned out so cute :) Love that fluffy tail--I will have to remember that idea!

    Yes, there is no sign of spring up our way--we had four more inches of snow Sunday night :( At least we had a two-hour delay for work--that is a first!!

    Wishing you and your family a Happy Easter!

  14. Lovely finish, congrats! No spring here yet, it's cold and rainy...

  15. Your April word play looks great.


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